
Users outside European Union and UK:

We keep your name and e-mail to recognize you as a registered user, if you contact us months or years later, asking for technical support (no proof of registration is necessary if you are in our records). We contact you ONLY IF we developed a fix for a serious bug or to inform you about an important change in our software. We do not send you e-mails about minor bug fixes. We also keep your country code and original payment IP, for localization (language), statistics purpose and fraud control. We do NOT have access to your city, province, street address, phone number or credit card data.

We use your e-mail only for the above purpose.  We NEVER sell, give or share your personal data, including your name and email, to anyone, unless we are forced to by a court order (this never happened).

We do not send you e-mails advertising other software we develop.

ALL your information is strictly confidential. You can request us to remove all your data from our database (if you do this, we will need your proof of registration if you need our help later).

European Union and UK users:

E-Mail: (main server)

E-Mail: (second server)


We do not keep your data in our database. If you need our help in the future, we will need your proof of registration (PayPal receipt, for example).

Because we do not keep any data about you, we are unable to inform you about bug fixes or changes in our software, regardless of their severity. You need to check our software web pages to be informed about them.